Can somebody explain to me the point of arrow functions? I seriously have no clue what their purpose is.

Here's another way to verify that let and const variables do get hoisted.

If we run the below code in Chrome console, we can see that under the scripts tab, only y will be present:

let y = 10;

y: undefined

If there were no hoisting happening with let, it should have "seen" y also.

If we run the same code in FireFox console, the message is even clearer—it says y is uninitialized (as opposed to y is undefined if we had used var instead of let. Also note that it shows under the Block tab, as opposed to Scripts tab in Chrome, making it clear that it's a block-scoped variable.

​y: (uninitialized)

The above makes it clear that both var and let/const variables are hoisted but var variables are initilaized with undefined whereas let/const variables are uninitialized (not given any value at all—even undefined—until execution reaches the "declaration*" line.

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