When you take one last look at a once beloved, but now toxic Subreddit before you click unsubscribe. (Not TrollX, promise)

Similarly this is why I left r/INTJ I think it was about 2 yrs ago when I checked it out. Anything on reddit with 'Introvert' in it will attract people who will confuse "introvert" with a social anxiety problem.

I went in r/INTJ and quickly departed as all it was just antisocial gamers who had severe fear of going outside, really do hate people, were unable to make friends normally because of crippling anxiety and attributed this to being an INTJ. They also confuse anger(feeling) with thinking and that everyone else around them is being emotional...then they get emotionally angry about that. The cognitive dissonance is thick in there.

Then I went into the INTJ for women sub. It was mainly women hating on other women. Basically an entire reddit of special snowflakes. "Let's hate on women for being 'female' stereotypes who talk about boys and hair"

I couldn't 'NOPE' the fuck out of there fast enough.

And anywhere else online isn't much better. many who are INTJ compare themselves to House or insert another evil movie bad guy that is just misunderstood. INTJ are considered evil geniuses in the online recognition "omg your a black unicorn" bullcrap...and that arrogance gets terribly annoying quickly. INTJ is not an instant genius. And evil suggests far more invested emotion than what an INTJ is supposed to be.

INTJ are just strategizers. That's it in a nutshell. This is their thinking profile. They need to find closure on problems and strategize to find it.

And MB Introvert just means you gain energy differently. I still go out to parties. So I don't know where this social anxiety bullcrap is coming from to attribute it as an INTJ thing.

Also, people are only a percentage of a category, and they fluctuate at any given moment. they are not simply locked into a the category for life. It just is their usual pattern.

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - rs1203.pbsrc.com