Can someone explain to me all the liberal hate in this sub?

Liberals want to take from the rich and give to the poor. There are reasons why there are poor people in America and it isn't because they are oppressed, it is because they are lazy. If you make it easy on the poor, then what incentive do they have on becoming a productive member of society? How is taking money from the rich and give to the poor going to help the poor. Most likely they will blow the money and will not be any better off. The rich are the members of society that help the economy to grow. If the economy grows, then there will be more jobs. Detroit is a perfect example of what happens when liberals are in control. Detroit has a 47% illiteracy rate. Entitlement programs have destroyed that city. Big government Keynesian economics doesn't work. It is the dumbest idea that came out of the 20th century.

Liberals are obsessed with sex and entitlement. This country is half way down the crapper with nearly HALF of the country relying on the other half to carry them. Parasitic leeches is all they are and they would dry up and blow away if it weren't for hard working self reliant ethical people like non liberals. The only life a liberal has is directly proportionate to the self reliant citizen he or she is feeding off of.

Multiculturalism has destroyed America. We are "black, hispanic, and white Americans" not Americans. We are to the point now where blacks are telling whites that black problems are black problems and whites should stay out of it. Last time I checked this is the United States of America and black or not they are still Americans. You can't tell me I can't help other American's based on the color of my skin. The left has pushed this so much we are almost like separate countries. People tell me I'M a racist if I try to discuss a national language, controlling our borders, and talking economic policy. "Not that I spent my college/work life career as an economist." It all comes down to the fact we do have not have a general national culture like Japan, Germany, or Australia.

Liberals are crushing the American dream of freedom, while that is their stance, "Freeing America," they are mainly a bunch of confused politicians, and people that do not understand life. Life is about succeeding on your own account, under your own power, and own will, life isn't something that is handed to everyone in a uniform manor. You have a problem with your circumstance, change it, don't wait for someone to come along and give it to you. While liberals are handing out the freedoms to "minorities", they are stealing them from those who have fought and died to make their own path. Supporting the minority, punishing the majority.

/r/CoonTown Thread