Can someone help me understand Bulgarian women?

I consider myself completely neutral on this,

1) Physically different body shape. Yes, it's strikingly obvious and that's something you can easily measure. Put 50 of each in a room and most of us could separate them quite well.

2) Far less impulsive. Why do you think they have among the lowest birth rates, drug rates, lowest obesity rates, and lowest STD rates in the entire world? Because they're far less impulsive.

3) Culture of slowness, in many ways, including dating. An expectation that you'd better sleep with someone on the first date or you lose your chance with them vs ehh, lets wait a few months and slowly see how the relationship develops. Same slowness in the office place, but worse.

4) Rule-following and law-following vs rules are meant to be broken attitude.

5) Subservient to bosses in the workplace vs extremely individualistic and ignoring hierarchy.

6) Whininess not being considered justified and fine vs whininess being very frowned upon.

7) Being happy to visit their parents constantly vs wanting to GTFO, move a thousand miles away and only occasionally visit parents ever again

8) Wanting grandparents to raise their children vs wanting to be entirely self-sufficient as a virtue

9) Less of a charitable "help one another even if you get no personal benefit" culture vs "why should I do something if it doesn't benefit me" culture.

10) People who try to be different are bad vs people who try to be different are great

11) Idea that life will be decent by default and that you should minimize risks and not overwork yourself vs you better take some risks and work hard or you will badly lose in life by default

Could go on with dozens of these.

/r/bulgaria Thread