Can we talk about cusps and how so many Millennials seem to feel like other generations?

The xennial range most definitely goes to at least 83, any quick google search or just r/xennial will tell you it’s 83, he’s the only source that wants to end it in 81. His reasoning is that you have to have been 18 by December 31st 1999 , that an xennial can claim either millennial or GenX.

I on the other hand believe being xennial is not being able to claim either millennial or GenX because you can’t really relate to either generation. Having the whole analog childhood, AOL adolescence then digital adult hood.

Xennial could go out to 85 in my opinion . Also xennial does not exclude me from being millennial. I was born in 83, I’m definitely a millennial…. But I’m also an xennial too.

/r/Millennials Thread Parent