I can't stand her, and I don't follow her. I only see videos of her on here and sometimes on my fyp, but I can say it does seem like she is doing a good job with trying to wean her from bf. She seems like the type that would bf till she was like 4-5. I was surprised! Lol

You are misinformed. The breastfeeding benefits have been wildly overstated. Citing the following articles;





So STFU with your “lactivism” agenda. You’re a pawn in the parenting game… Coming from someone who was breastfed until age 5. I can think of a million ways I can bond with my 2.5 year old and the boob is not on the list. They don’t ask you in job interviews how you were fed in infancy… you (hopefully) don’t ask on a first date… or meeting a friend, doctor, nanny. Like get over yourself. I breastfed too and it didn’t make me Mother Mary. This convo topic needs to end period. Quit talking about how you feed your kid. So lame.

/r/fellowshipofthebib Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it