Eloping or not trolls lol?

She thinks that Luna is an Eloper because Luna is running ahead of her, however most toddlers around that age will do the exact same thing if giving the opportunity. They will sprint off from their caregivers to explore but will typically stay within a safe distance, knowing that their caregiving is not too far behind. That’s why Cassie always so comfortable letting Luna run in public places freely, because she knows that this child doesn’t elope.

As a mother of an autistic toddler who elopes, my child has to stay in her stroller while we are out in public and if she’s not in her stroller I’m holding her hand because she has no sense of danger. She will run into the streets, she will run into the pond, she will even run after squirrels and dogs. And once she starts running, there’s nothing that can stop her besides catching her.

/r/fellowshipofthebib Thread Link - i.redd.it