Good question but she’s too selfish to realise

I don’t want to talk about this too much since it isn’t personally about me, and I’ve mentioned it once before, but a family close to me lost a child to cancer 2 years ago. It’s been rough for them but they have a living child that they have to care for. But still, I would’ve understood if their grief was massive and it was all they could think about. They are grieving, but they’re also not behaving anything like crusty is. And they lost a child who they knew, loved and had the fortune to get at least 9 yrs with. Seeing crusty doing all this for a 15 week fetus makes me feel like I’m losing my mind.

I don’t care if this seems insensitive towards her (and this is only about her and nobody else, pls don’t get it twisted) but her behaviour is clearly not real. It’s all a show that she puts on to gain sympathy and attention. I just don’t buy this being true suffering from her. The fucked up thing is that she’s dragging her innocent children into this mess, a mess she created for internet clout. These past few days have been really hard for me since they’ve brought up that little girls death, and I really hope that her mother never comes across crusty on social media. Can you imagine how triggering all of this is for people who’ve experienced their children die? Lastly, she can burn in eternal hell after coming for childless people and calling it a personal problem.

Sorry for the rant but it’s been too much.

/r/fellowshipofthebib Thread Link -