Meta: I’m wondering why there are no rules against giving dangerous advice, misinformation, etc?

That would be ideal, but I think this post is looking for a less confrontational way to handle things that could be dangerous. What if no one corrects it? And what if the original commenter isn’t open to learning and gets really hostile? A lot of people just don’t like that confrontation.

For instance, the person’s comment about mixing bleach had been up for a bit and was highly upvoted in the post when I responded. That person was a bit rude and accused me of “mansplaining” (I’m female) and said it was sad I was so influenced by the patriarchy or something crazy like that when I mentioned they might want to be careful about recommending bleach mixing since it can be dangerous.

I’m not really a proponent of censorship, but maybe there is a way to balance safety and free conversation?

/r/RoverPetSitting Thread Parent