Cards to be given the Mysteria Trait in Chronogenesis.

In the lore of RoB other teachers from Mysteria or Leonard's academy love to throw comments about how "irresponsible and childish" Dorothy is for not being at the school teaching and instead goes in her own quests or is at her shop. Reality is, Daria is some serious bullshit, she goes in her travels more than anything to catch the ocassional potential mage apprentices and enroll them into the academy to make sure they don't go into the "dark side" or to help people in remote places, is an alliance she formed with the academy, they benefit each other, Daria can do whatever she wants without restrictions but she is bound to always be in Mysteria's side if something happens, they gave her the title just to show this, is symbolic, thats why she either is always traveling or in her shop, she doesn't mind to teach tho, in fact she does.

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