[SocJus] Caroline Cao / The Mary Sue - "Drugging and Romance: Star Wars Rebels Did Wrong by Hera"


GOD, I hate these fucking people. I hate these people, everything they've done, everything they stand for, with a burning passion.

NOTHING will ever be enough for them. Disney having the entire new trilogy be completely consumed with showing all male characters in the absolute worst light? Not enough. That same trilogy being centered around a completely flawless/"perfect" female hero? Not enough. Rebels "having a cast of strong women" (her own words!)?. It's just not enough. It's NEVER enough!

When will it finally be enough??? When will we have finally pushed far enough???

Apparently - according to asshole like this - it's not going to be enough until every woman portrayed in any show is: utterly perfect; always the sole hero; never has anything bad/unfortunate happen to her?

(Even then, I feel that even that still wouldn't be enough. It still would be necessary, not only for female characters to be elevated to that level, but for the male characters to totally and completely lowered to as low a level as possible. Then, and only then would they finally be satisfied.)

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