Priority Effect Theory

  1. The effect chains are processed with a queue. When effects are triggered, they are first queued, and they resolve in the order they were triggered.

  2. Last Words > Passive Effects , Fanfare > Passive Effects

  3. "Deal damage to all" is actually processed with an order, from turn player to non player, from left to right.

  4. Effects like Bone Bug's require the original follower to remain on board when effects resolve.

So, in this case,

  • [Demonic Storm] resolves

  • deal damage to both faces

  • [Jorm] effect is queued

  • [Ram] effect is queued

  • damage to Ram

  • damage to King

  • damage to Bard

  • damage to Corpse, killing him and [Corpse] and [Bug] is queued

  • damage to Bug

  • damage to Khawy, killing him and [Khawy] and [Bug] is queued

  • damage to Chimera, killing him and [Chimera] and [Bug] is queued

After this, the queue is [Jorm,Ram,Corpse,Bug,Khawy,Bug,Chimera,Bug] , so it's going to resolve in that order:

  • [Jorm] resolves

  • [Ram] resolves, because Ram is still alive

  • [Corpose] resolves, (let's say) killing Ram

  • [Bug] resolves, because Bug is still alive

  • [Khawy] resolves, killing Bard, [Bard] is queued

  • [Bug] resolves, because Bug is still alive

  • [Chimera] resolves

  • [Bug] resolves, because Bug is still alive

After this, the queue is [Bard]

  • [Bard] resolves, [King] is queued

After this, the queue is [King]

  • [King] resolves

I think this is what happens, sorry if I'm wrong! Note that if Bug is killed during the chain and isn't on board when the effect resolves, it won't activate.

/r/Shadowverse Thread