Cash Shop Specials 1/20 - 1/26

Guys i sent a ticket to nexon about the Reboot servers lucking out on this cash shop specials. I think i might been a little harsh or too passionate ;x but hopefully the community of reddit does the same and maybe Nexon can makes some changes.

"Dear Nexon Team,

On the maplestory news webpage which i pasted the url here:

Why is that the many Cash Shop items only pertain to Non-reboot worlds only? I mean it seems that majority of the player base or your customers use the Reboot server especially old/veteran returning players such as myself.

Making the Cash shop specials only on non-reboot servers seems to not benefit you or the majority of the player base for Maplestory/Nexon. Returning players or many maplers will be losing out on the event which would mean less revenue for Nexon.

I myself would of spend easily $50 on this cash shop specials event that is being hosted through out this week but I can't due to the non-reboot servers restrictions implemented and thats just on getting the haircuts alone. You know what that means, I will be spending $0 this whole month or more if this non-reboot restriction keeps happening. That's not mentioning the majority of the other reboot players being potential customers that will be spending little or nothing.

I know some cash shop features can't be implemented to the Reboot server due to trade restrictions but at least CAN the All-Star Hair coupon make it to the reboot server? I DO NOT see why this can happen as similar hair coupons are already implemented to the reboot game play without problems and this is an item I'm pretty sure many players will want to spend money on and have.

Thanks for listening and hopefully something is done to benefit everyone in gaining something from Maplestory."

/r/Maplestory Thread Link -