Character Stengths, Battle Calculator, OP ORDER




Task Organization Summary:

  • Bolton main forces will maintain in reserve with Karstark and Umber forces converging in middle from left and right flanks, respectively. Attacking threat force is expected from due North-NorthEast traveling from Castle Black. Trebuchets, catapults, and longbows will be used to intimidate first, then strike enmass secondly. Picket lines will move forth on command. As enemy approaches archers and pikemen will hold steadfast in an effort to divide threat into separate groupings. At critical battlefield moment, command will direct main army cavalry forces will charge orders to go forth decimating enemy into smaller, disorganized units. Once divided, cavalry will encircle and assault smaller pockets of resistence, then follow-on with straggler decimation and wounded cleanup tasks until mission completion. No hostages nor prisoners of war will be collected. Identified enemy leaders will be pointed out to King Ramsay himself by messenger horseman.

I. Situation:

  • Subordinate Battle Captains will maintain picket line of forces in defensive posture until ordered to move forth at steady pace of 60 beats per minute. Umber forces will take right flank with 600 soldiers converging in picket line wedge at center with 800 left flack Karstark foot solders. Umber will maintain an intermediate reserve of 700 position center right in line formation. Karstark will be responsible for both right and left area security detailing 150 cavalry to each end flank, supported by a split of 650 soldiers in line formation shifted center left, pikes at the ready. On command, Karstark cavalry will move center for push directly into opposing forces swords blazing. It is essential to not permit enemy forces to breach first line of defense. Secondary and tirciary line Captains will be prepared in the event of line breach with bowmen arrows knocked and pikemen at the ready. Cavalry Captains will remain in reserve area until called upon.

A. Enemy Forces

  • Per intelligence reports enemy forces are comprise of roughly 1,800 ragtag Wildlings (half are suspected as being women and children), 150 Mazins, 50 Bear soldiers of House Mormonts, 200 Hornwood soldiers, perhaps a few if any other trained knights, and criminal sorts comprised of thieves and rapist Andal men from South, a sellsword or two and perhaps a hedge knigt. Total numbers are roughly 2,500. These forces are not adequately trained for Winter warfare nor have they seen battle. We hold hostage Wildling King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder; in a show of intimidation, his carcass will be burned as a psychological warfare tactic, then kept for later feeding to the dogs. No other information is known concerning enemy force composition. Enemy morale appears to be low.

1. Forecasted weather

  • For the upcoming fortnight is mildly cold at 38 degrees with expectation of precipitate snow flurries and an unseasonably increasing colder weather climate as Winter approaches. Nightime temperatures approach 10 degrees. Daylight hours are diminishing as the season changes with early dawn light at 8am sunrise and evening dusk light darkness at 5pm sunset. Moon cycle is full phase until the end of the Autumn season with 80% illumination. Wind speed has been holding constant at 15kph with a North-NorthEasterly wind due to a high pressure cell at the Wall. It is forecasted that the full effects of Winter will be at Queenstowne and Winterfell within the fortnight. BMNT is 7:38am; EENT is 5:22pm.
  • The effects of weather on this military operation should not be underestimated as the weather could turn and effect the flow of battle at any time. Opponent combatants if engaged in the Godwoods area outside of Winterfell or the pasture immediately surrounding Winterfell will have traveled 22 miles by foote over frozen ground. Due to superior numbers it is for this reason enemy forces should be enticed to be engaged in this open field and not permitted to use geurilla tactics common to forested terrain. It would be wise to cut down all Godswoods in preparation for battle at this time. Groundworks entrenchments is prohibitive due to existing permafrost. Bolton troops will be served well to have fire warming stations and freshwater source from the Winterfell freshwater cold springs which are not at this time frozen. Firewood should be gathered immediately and stored out of enemy reach. Clearing terrain of brush will accomplish this task permitting greater access to mounted calvary.

2. Terrain - OCOKA:

  • Anticipated enemy avenue of approach is from the North on Kingsroad. Observation posts are located at Winterfell guard towers and mounted scouts have been emplaced North-NorthEast at Queenstowne. A signal fire will be lit for notification of advancing troops. The area immediately outside of Winterfell off of Kingsroad is rolling hills with few steep hilltops. Characteristic of this rolling terrain are hidden pockets over yonder hills within which friendly and foesome soldiers alike may find enfilade. Once brush is removed few obstacles exist which may hinder Karstark mounted cavalry. Other than the Godswoods little concealment is available. Key terrain is the uphill side of hills surrounding Winterfell. Every effort should be made to maintain these positions at the greatest of costs if need be. There are no other anticipated avenues of enemy approach.

3. Identification of enemy force composition

  • At this time the Army of Jon Snow is primarily composed of travel weary Wildling forces with crude primitive wood and rock weaponry easily defeated in the field of battle. King Ramsay has notified operations he would meet with opposing force leader if the opportunity is presented.

4. Location:

  • Anticipate meeting of friendly to foe embattlement is at the fields to the East of Winterfell 2 kilometers East of Winterfell. The primary battlefield, pre-cleanup, should be kept at this distance to preclude straggler infiltration into the main battlement of Castle Winterfell itself.

5. Activity

  • Bolton forces will continue area patrols to the North and NorthEast of Winterfell until enemy advancement is identified. At this time, all scouting units will be recalled for strengthening of main armies. Forces will then shift into defending posture until engaged by opposing forces, and once advantage is identified an attack command will be ordered. Any Karstark or Umber soldiers viewed in retreat will be hunted down and given sword to the neck at once. Bolton soldiers will be held in reserve unless needed, but at this time it is not anticipated the reserve will be deployed into the field of battle.

6. Strength

/r/Northeros Thread