Chch drivers

We have an utterly disturbing "FUCK YOU CUNT! ME FIRST!!" attitude.

Examples given:

Every time a dual lanes turn into one you can bet a weeks pay some cunt with tailgate the car in front to avoid merging like a zip.

Some spots this can be observed at Moorhouse end of Deans ave, and Nunweek park end of Harewood road.

Those waiting to turn right will often turn on the green, cutting off incoming cars. This can be viewed daily at Grahams X Wairakei intersection. (Also see video)

In fact that intersection is also a fantastic one for watching drivers ignore the red do not turn on pedestrian green light. Seen so many pedestrians dodge cars ignoring the red there. Google hasn't updated their streetview yet).

We ignore no-U-turn signs at protected pedestrian crossings down Moorhouse Ave all the fucking time, making pedestrians dodge out of the way.

We ignore basic road rules like "Top of the T goes before me" especially at this God-foresaken intersection of Harewood/Breens/Gardiners (See video)

Red lights seem to have 2 phases - Red, but it's ok to go. And Red, you should stop.

The list just goes on and on.

Here's a couple videos of what the fuck footage I've captured recently..

Suicidal motorbike rider

Ute driver adhering to the stereotype

/r/chch Thread