It’s here folks. The video we’ve all been waiting for!!!!!

Don’t know your friends situation, but I see the evidence and understand the shadiness but I still won’t sell. Ride to the moon or zero. Granted I don’t really have much left all lol, like 4-6m v2 tokens? I don’t know. I locked the wallet away and I haven’t checked the price in so long. I held over 30b on v1 at one point. I have sold off pretty much everything at this point what’s left is just well I don’t care if it goes to 0. Maybe your friend feels the same way. The sfm community is just so strong/stupid you have to admit. Like the community is what I think if there is a good future for this project it will be due because people were too stupid to jump ship and let it die. But like I said, I don’t really feel scammed. I made over 6 figures. Just interesting to see how things unfold. It’ll be cool if I make a few million off the misery of tokens I have left. It’s whatever if it goes straight to 0. I made my bag!

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