Chicago Rally Aftermath - MAGAthread

At approximately 8:00pm I was driving out of Chicago on the Eisenhower Expressway. All lanes were full of cars, travelling around 50 to 60 miles per hour. All of sudden, at the Racine entrance (one block from UIC Pavillion, where the rally was supposed to be), I see a full line of cars in front of me slam on their brakes, which of course reached me very quickly. All in all, about 20 to 30 cars all had to literally SLAM (I've never pressed my foot on the brake pedal harder than I did earlier tonight).

Then I see human figures running ACROSS the expressway, around a dozen or more. They're trying to link arms to block traffic on a fucking expressway as cars are slamming on their brakes to avoid killing someone. A few cars trickle through holes and I end up right in front of the line in the far left lane.

The criminal in front of me can't be over 17 years old, is wearing a bandana across their face, and is pressing his/her hands against the hood of my car, nervously looking towards his/her comrades as if she doesn't exactly know why he/she is there.

My adrenaline is skyrocketed, I'm breathing heavily. My ears are burning for some reason. I'm visibly shaken up.

I, or any of these other drivers, could have died or killed someone because of their actions. What if there was an ambulance on its way to the hospital district, trying to save someone's life just a half mile further down the road? What if a driver swerved and caused a multi car pile-up? What if a protester had been struck and killed, imagine what that would do to the driver.

I don't know if they were BLM, anti-Trump, or Bernie supporters, or all three, but goddamnit...

I'm furious right now, I just want to scream, because from all of the shit I read on the internet about PC and SJW and BLM and all that crap. It was always something that was sort of distant to me, but now that I've directly had a confrontation with it... I don't know.

Just had to get that out, because I spoke to my family after I got home (in the suburbs) and they began to claim that Trump incites these types of things. Instead of getting furious, I dropped the subject because I don't like talking politics or pushing my opinions on others. FUCK thanks for the vent, /r/the_Donald

/r/The_Donald Thread