children and veganism

"I'm of the belief that food is morally neutral"

I wouldn't say I agree with this, personally. It's definitely neutral in terms of the fact that we have to eat what we have to, which for humans does include animals, and I no longer believe that killing animals for food is wrong. But we live in a capitalist society that often encourages exploitation of humans, animals and the environment in production, particularly in food production. None of us need to aim for perfection, but there are definitely more moral choices that we can all make. The most obvious one for this subreddit is factory farmed animals versus well treated free range ones. I think encouraging children to think about where their food comes from and make informed choices is actually a great thing. But I don't think that veganism is the answer at all, and the rhetoric around it can be unbearable, particularly when used as a propaganda tool. I wasn't raised even vegetarian so I can't comment on that - but I do think that trying to tell a child that all animal products are inherently 'yucky' could very easily cause huge issues down the line. They are more likely to rebel against that as soon as they can make their own choices really.

/r/exvegans Thread