Chosen, KotBS or BG[2Hand]?,4813&mm=&mt=2832,4800,4810&t=4810,4800,2832,4777

Link above is my suggestion as 2h. Max parry and disrupt, movement speed on disrupt ravage spam chosen. Check it out.

Months before, chosen had a tactic which converted all chosen's damage to spirit damage. Also, daemonclaw tactic in Dread tree gave stats on crit, not parry, which was in haemony with other crit tactic. You used cleave (which is an undefendable physical attack) which converted to spirit damage. So you were a melee spell damage dealer with amazing crits.

But now, with that tactic removed, you are bound to ravage again (discord tree). Ravage does not scale as good as cleave, but it is your spirit damage power house spell again.

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