How do I stop losing interest in great people with secure attachment?

I'm not sure if this directly answers your question but I just wanted to share my thoughts. I'm a textbook anxious attachment and the last 2 guys I've fallen hard for in the last few years of my life were both avoidant (although not apparent at first).

My current SO who I've been dating for 7 months or so is classic avoidant. Maybe my intuition picked up on it and I was completely unaware, but in my mind I thought he was secure when I met him. He pursued me fairly aggressively but in a rational way - I didn't feel necessarily love bombed or thought it was over the top but I thought he made it very clear that he wanted to get to know me more and be with me seriously. He seemed like he was in a stable point in his life for a relationship. I fell hard because he was so funny, kind, seemingly devoted, and physically attractive. And then a few months in, his avoidant tendencies came out. We are working through it... but it's hard.

I've also never developed true feelings or attraction for pursuers in my life who were actually securely attached humans. But I feel like it's because I just wasn't physically attracted to them in general. Isn't that like Murphy's law - people you're into don't want to be with you & people you're not into DO want to be with you?

Like honestly maybe those guys who are showing you a lot of interest just aren't your type physically or personality wise, and maybe it has less to do with their attachment style. Just a thought!

/r/AnxiousAttachment Thread