CIA determines Khashoggi was killed at the instruction of Saudi crown prince

Was there ever any doubt this is the "conclusion" they would come to? The C_A investigating it's own crimes? They have been enemies of the Prince since the beginning. Remember the temporary house arrest of all the CIA's main Supervisory criminal Elites by the Prince after the Las Vegas "hit" order to FREEZE the [CIA] assets of Al Waleed.... They have been a hornets nest ever since....

Every single overturned Government... every single election... Every single War... every single drug deal.... every single Opium plant processed and Cocaine deal ...Every single criminal cartel... Every single Major NEWS outlet.... has the CIA behind it.

CIA is s a criminal organization working at the behest of the Deepest of the DeepState overseers. Every MSM story is Twisted by them to create the "reality" they use to shape our opinions. Nothing they say is EVER what it really IS. Everything is so convoluted that we can never expect even a modicum of truth to leak out of their filthy mouths.

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