ELI5: Why do hangovers get worse the older you get?

The first time i got drunk i wanted to ser what my limit was, drank a bottle of wine, shotgunned some beers, had some whiskey, some tequila, mixed everything

Drank so much that my vision, sound, and sense of touch was lagging. I turned around and my arm swung out and smacked a bottle off the table. I didnt feel or hear it break until I stopped. It was a noticable lag. Turned around to look and my vision lagged as well. Got a broom and dust pan and after scopping it up the broken glass looked like a single shiny colorful pile of cracked, melted together glass

I also very rarely puke and dont blackout. The only times I did black out was drinking a 4 loko when they still had caffeine and when someone drugged me. but even then the memories are random and spotty. Not total blackout just the bulk

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