Trollhunters Rise of the Titans: Reforged. Fan Remake Project Demo

Look, If your looking for advice you can message me on discord marsh#9843 but my short and simple reminder is that this will require a production team, animators, voice actors, directors, storyboard artists, artists, visualisers, editor, vfx specialist, the list is uncountable and don't forget you must use everything in fair use and you may get copyrighted/sued depending on if you make revenue and well considering you'll need funding for this you won't actually profit, I myself have gone down this route and have been advised very strictly not to continue otherwise I could be hold accountable for my actions.. You can go along and do it maybe even email then yourself ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).) but I guarantee you'll get the same answer as me. I know 2 other people who have also tried this but failed, only 1 has proceeded and it isn't even anything like trollhunters hence why it's still running.

Good luck tho, wish the best.

/r/TrollHunters Thread