Claiming Thread Version 3

ooc: done ic

  1. Powerful yet versatile, I have a hard time choosing between the spear and the net, a fishing net to be precise, with razor netting and deadly to those who are unsure how to wield it.

  2. I sail, a lot. I've been taught how to sail by my dad since before I can remember. I've been all around because of it. Secondly, I paint, especially scenery and imagery of far off and close up storms. The colors and sounds of a storm are relaxing, and I get my best sleep when one is overhead. I also swim, and am excellent at it.

  3. Probably skinny dipping in the ocean, hopefully under a drizzle of rain. Nobody is ever on the beach when it rains, which makes it private, a beautiful occasion.

  4. Tempestuous, moody, dark, violent.

  5. Anywhere on the ocean's breeze, preferably with dark clouds overhead.

  6. Being tied down or restricted. I need to be free, like the ocean, probably why I love it so much. It can be calm when it feels like it, or violent when it's angry. I envy that, if only it was that easy to act on how you feel. I never want to be controlled by anyone again.

  7. I'm wily and insightful, if that makes me smart then so be it.

  8. Patience.

  9. Wrath, when I feel threatened you don't want to be in a fifty feet radius of me.

  10. An adventurer, I want to visit many countries and continents on my sailing vessel. I want to be free to go wherever I please and do as I like. When it comes to money, I don't care, I'll work odd jobs, I'll play the stock market, whatever. I'll live on the basics and with a minimalist lifestyle and just be free.

  11. I'm over-eager, and I jump head in to battle without thinking it all through most of the time. Someday I'm sure it'll get me killed, but at least it'll be a death I chose for myself.

  12. Kymopoleia, Ares, Hecate. I know those choices may seem a bit random, but I feel the most connected to those three is all. I'd really hate to get Castor or Pollux, they deliver you away from the storm, I want to be in it.

/r/CampHalfBloodRP Thread