Colgate had a 5 million dollar commercial to tell me to turn my faucet off to save water for the needy. When that 5 million could buy 74,671,445 bottles of water and they could tell me how to brush my teeth on their box.

While the reality is that corporations are not out to get you as an individual, reality bears out that they're out to get you as a potential consumer. See the issue here is not between individuals but between classes. And by classes I'm not necessarily referring to social classes. Just classes. As in us and them. We're all in it for resources. Resources which supposedly make our life better, like help our parents finish their mortgage or secure their retirement. Since the resources are limited, for someone to get more, others must get less. Our loaded uncle or yuppie cousins who work for corporations probably believe the alternative to working for a company which pumps money from someone else's pockets into theirs would mean having a shittier life. And I don't blame them for thinking so because the game has been rigged so that it appears that there're no better alternative to the status quo where nothing good or of high quality can exist without corporations. Heck, if they didn't do their job someone else would. With that mentality it's no wonder many would be more than fine if they could land a lucrative corporate job. And they're not necessarily terrible people for that. They simply made that choice because they're convinced there's no better alternative for them and their families.

And that's what separates them from the cynics. Cynics believe that people should act for honourable and unselfish reasons rather than purely out of self-interest. Cynics believe there are better alternatives to the artificially constructed socioeconomic environment we live in which gets peddled for being the hard reality of the world. Cynics are ready to sacrifice their own wellbeing and even those of their families for acting upon this belief in hope of spreading the message and getting others to strive towards a better world where no one is left behind. But meanwhile, as they point fingers towards the bald spots and sagging skin of society, they have to suffer for it.

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