
Yeah, but the Irish Catholics weren't murdering people in the name of religion. They were a nationalist terror group, and part of being "as Irish as possible" meant calling yourself Catholic. Aside from the very obvious fact that it is like, y'know, a core tenant of Christianity to not murder anyone so they weren't even Catholics by their own definition. This is an apples to oranges comparison.

On the other hand, these "people" are literally murdering people for their belief in Allah. Irish Catholics aren't stoning adulterers. Irish Catholics aren't crucify people. Irish Catholics aren't throwing gay people off buildings.

Aside from this, and I'm not defending the obviously reprehensible actions of the IRA, England literally genocided entire generations of Irish people and claimed the top of their fucking island as there's. At least, at the very least I can see where someone might be angry about that. It is more like the Palestinian conflict in that regard. These Muslims, however, are just coming in and murdering people because that is what their Prophet told them to do.

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