[Thursday] Daily Music Discussion - - March 23, 2017

I've been a Gorillaz fan since 2001 and they mean much more to me than 99% of acts discussed here, but they are a pop group with strong hip hop leanings- that's the entire point of their existence- as a way for Damon Albarn (sensing in 2000 that hip hop had overtaken rock as the basis of pop) to reach a mainstream audience that eluded Blur outside the UK.

So why are Gorillaz, a globally popular mainstream pop/hip hop act, considered appropriate to make threads about on indieheads? Right now the entire sub is drowned in dozens of Gorillaz threads, and actual indie artists are way down the page. Gorillaz are very popular on both popheads and hiphopheads, and there's no reason they can't be discussed there.

Here is something I posted that the mods deleted, about why Gorillaz's threads also need to be deleted, if Frank Ocean's were. My goal is not to destroy people's ability to talk about Gorillaz. Ideally, all music that people want to discuss on indieheads could be discussed here (including both Gorillaz and Frank) and mods would stop trying to create stupid and racist categorizations of which artists "belong" here. But if that can't happen, then the next best alternative is at least for the mods to be consistent in applying the (dumb, in my opinion) rules they created about not duplicating artists popular on other subs. Right now they are applying those rules selectively, using double standards for black and white artists, in order to allow white pop and hip hop and R&B artists here.

/r/indieheads Thread