Is this Common?

After reading some other comments for this post... Damn, I swear, some people or kids are too used to gacha (very bad) principles of luck and get way too greedy nowadays lmao... There is a 2.75% chance to get a white box in a hero single pull. It shouldn't need to be big brain in math to realize that 3 of them in a multipull is REALLY lucky and majority of players will never see this happening to them.

But here is the probability : 0.0017% chance or 1 chance out of 588 multipulls / 5880 summons. These numbers of summons should be normally reached after playing for certainly more than two years (or spending thousands of dollars in gems and summons). For a general idea, I've been playing for 5 months since August and did so far just 123 multis / 1230 summons, after having exhausted all sources of free gems in the game (Except above Orbital 475) and I'm not f2p.

People thinking that "it's too bad there are two dupes". Sure, but this is way more likely to happen on a hero banner, as after getting the hero banner on the first white box, there is 25% chance to get the same in the two white boxes left (50% for each white box).

TLDR : The fact that you got this pull is REALLY lucky.... But when just starting the game on your first pulls is what qualifies you of INSANELY lucky. So GG and enjoy the game.

/r/GuardianTales Thread