[RANT] The problems with Kamael genderbend SuperCostume, and what should be raised

You have good points, accompanied by good arguments. And as you mention, it's evident that you're aware of the game and your community. But I think you're taking it too personal and even exaggerating. Let's go in parts, first, it's true that Kamael and its new SC is fanservice. But I don't need But not necessarily one made by and for "Degenerates". For me this super costume is something funny, something not to take seriously because it is that, an SC, a variation of the character in question. And aside, if you notice, they are releasing it on the 2nd anniversary of the game. What am I going to with this?, simple. Here's how it happened with Marvin on April Fool's Day and his Idol skin. Yes, obviously we are comparing an SC with a skin that does not change the illustration, but I don't talk about it in question, I talk about the concept and theme: They just shouldn't be taken seriously and are a detail that they are there to "laugh for a while". Or do you think Kamael loli will be important in the main story?

I'm probably talking very soon. Because they have not yet given all the details of the event. But if Nari's SC is not delivered again, then Kamael's will have its same "exclusivity". That makes this variation of Kamael much less important after its corresponding event.However, it is quite likely that they will make a short story to tell how Kamael obtained this form that Mayreel so detests.

Surely I got very entangled talking, it usually happens to me and apart from that I do not speak English so I apologize for any misspelling. But I hope it has been understood even a little bit my point of view regarding all this Kamael. I appreciate being able to read a well-constructed opinion and not that of a monkey (There were many "uga buga" when the JP designs came out in the global).

/r/GuardianTales Thread