Community Overreacting?

And that should’ve been the end of the same experience they had. Sera never used her power because others always bullied her and became a tyrant and monster in her school like John. She never hated herself and her powers cuz she failed at using to help others instead of for her own personal reasoning. She never had to relive the same memories of hurting her friends and seeing how much of a monster she was. One of the things with John’s character is that nobody has experience the same thing John has in his 18 years of life outside of knowing how it feels to be weak but that’s not the only thing John has been through. I’m not saying Uru is trying to do what you mentioned since you said that’s your take on it but at the end of the day Sera and John’s perspective on their abilities are different so the only thing they ever had in common is knowing what it feels like being a cripple and that’s all.

/r/unOrdinary Thread Parent