bit of formatting to make it easier to read.

+"TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket"          "%s1 doesn't have a ticket"
+"TF_Matchmaking_MissingPass"            "%s1 doesn't have a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass"
+"TF_Matchmaking_CompetitiveExplanation" "In competitive games, you are automatically matched against players of similar skill rating.\n\nTo invite friends before being matched, start a Party by clicking the button below."
+"TF_Matchmaking_StartSearchChat"        "Press 'Start Search' to start a game.\n"
+"TF_Matchmaking_InviteFriendsChat"      "To play with friends, invite them to your party.\n"
+"TF_Matchmaking_PlayerJoinedPartyChat"  "%s1 joined the party\n"
+"TF_Matchmaking_PlayerLeftPartyChat"    "%s1 left the party\n"
+"TF_Matchmaking_AddedToQueue"           "Added to matchmaking queue.\n"
+"TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue"       "Removed from matchmaking queue.\n"
+"TF_Competitive_Pass"               "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass"
+"TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc"          "Present this pass in the Competitive Mode Beta to gain access to ranked ladder games."
+"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Beta Access Pass Required"
+"TF_Competitive_RequiresPass"       "To play in ranked competitive modes, you must own a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass."
+"TF_Competitive_Disconnect"         "The match is over. Thanks for playing!"

"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Title"     "Try Quickplay Beta?"
-"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Message"  "You can form a search party with friends and find a gameserver together.\n\nNever get matched into an empty server again!"
+"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Message"  "You can form a search party with friends and find a game server together.\n\nNever get matched into an empty server again!"
"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_YesButton" "Try it out"
"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_NoButton"  "No thanks"
/r/tf2 Thread Parent Link - imgur.com