Consolidated Msgs

Up and coming Warden of the North was known for his "peaceful, quiet" approach towards rule.

--Breaking news, via messenger raven

Crownland News Service, The Citadel

Serving Westeros Since 382AC

Truthful news you can count on!

Roose Bolton, beloved husband, father, Warden of the Northern Kingdom and Lord of the Dreadfort passed away following suspected enemy poisoning while visiting his son Lord Ramsay Bolton of Winterfell. Lord Bolton was best known and regarded for his personal ruling philosophy "a peaceful land, a quiet people" The Warden was a blood descendant of the Red Kings since the times of the First Men.

Throughout his career Lord Bolton was a conscious deal-maker, consummate Crown loyalist and often served in the capacity of middle-man resolving disputes between the Crown and various underlords. He provided crucial support during Robert's Rebellion fighting at The Battle at the Trident, and during the War of Five Kings he again proved his worthiness as his military tactics played a key role in repelling the traitorous usurper Robb Stark at The Twins, for which later through the grace of King Robert he was granted the title Warden of the North. Trained in the art of interrogation, never did an enemy withhold secrets. His research into the benefits of frequent purging of bad blood has been praised by many as ageless and timeless. He was perhaps most proud of his ornate collection of family heirloom tapestries displayed at The Dreadfort.

Lord Ramsay said of his father, "I swear by my pink cloak I loved my father as he gave me everything. He often spoke fondly of raping my mother during first night, and I for one am glad he did. He and I, like others I suppose, shared many passionate amusements and father always addressed me in a non-chiding, respectful manner. I shall miss him as his blades were always sharp."

Stated Maester Henly, "on several occasions I remember him gazing at the moon with his beautifully pale eyes as I had his servant girl sing his one favorite stanza from the song, "The Rains of Castamere"; as I remember it goes, "and mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours." "Although not a greatly devout man, he rarely consumed of the evils of ale."

Respected swordsman Vargo Hoat added, "I'dth payetth a bag of thapphireths to whoothheeverss scaptifths heez keelersss!"

Lord Bolton is survived by his son Ramsay--Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell, the Dreadfort, and Hornwood; and Ramsay's betrothed Lady Arya Stark. He was preceded in death by his loving wives Walda (Frey) Bolton, Bethany Ryswell, an unnamed first wife; a son Domeric, his daughter-in-law Lady Donella Hornwood, an unborn son who had yet to be named, and his mother.

Funeral services will be held at dusk on the grounds at Winterfell adjacent to the old Weirwood tree. After flaying, his skin will be hung at the crypts of The Dreadfort and his body given to the kennelmaster. A memorial fund has been set up by Houses Ryswells and Karstark.


BE it recorded as such in the official ledgers of Westeros, as signed and approved by His Royal Highness Himself King Tommen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms**

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