BABY KILLER MAINS got the boil over nerf they cried for. Little do they know us survivor mains are able to IMPROVISE! ADAPT! OVERCOME!!!

as a killer main (though ive bee really enjoying survivor lately when you ca find a match) Boil Over wasnt as big a deal as most made it out to be. Granted,I usually run iron grasp anyway but even without it, you can just slug someone if you they led you up somewhere where a ledge is the only viable way to get to the nearest hook and you see the boil over icon. And you then know not to chase that survivor too hard up stairs and such which generally only allows them like one little structure on most maps and even then you can still make it too hook sometimes especially if you have iron grasp 3.

Personally I think well timed sabotages on a teammate's part make for better hook prevention and I'm not sure why that fell out of meta. I could see maybe if killer had Starstruck or Agitation but I feel like I never see those.

People whined way too much. Just like survivors who complain about hook camping or tunneling even though their whole team is rushing to the hook the very second someone gets hooked. Like killer shouldnt be expected to just walk away and ignore you. Its your job to make them pressure gens, and if I can see half the team or even the whole team in the vicinity of the hook as soon as I hook someone I now have no reason but to try to injure and down as many of you as I can and make you trade heavily in my favor for the unhook. Im generally happy to walk away and go check gens and look for other survivors while you unhook but not if you're sprinting up to me in front of my face or if there are scratch marks leading me to you the second I go to leave.

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