Have You Contributed to Black Oppression?

Have you seen this research? Police are more willing to shoot whites than blacks, despite blacks being more dangerous on average.

A person with black skin is much more likely to commit a violent crime. In these FBI statistics, blacks commit slightly more overall murders than whites, even though there are ~6 whites for each black in the USA. Those FBI stats also include Hispanics as white, so the real numbers are more disparate.

The reasons why blacks are, on average, more dangerous are irrelevant to the safety and the job of the police officer. An intelligent officer would expect blacks to be more dangerous, because they actually are. Stereotype accuracy has been repeatedly proven. Maybe blacks are more violent because they are expected to be; maybe it's because racism made them poor; maybe they're poorer because of genes... I expect it is some of everything.

I think it's good to be aware of biases and it's nice to try to create a race-blind society. But as an evolutionary thinker, what leads you to conclude that race is skin deep? There are clear racial differences in superficial traits, so why not behavioral and mental traits too? I'm not saying it's the case, but I'm saying it's quite uncomfortably possible. I haven't read all the research on this topic in-depth yet; have you?

You also wrote about how people fall into racist group-think and in-group behavior. Since non-whites are equally capable of exhibiting such behaviors, is it wise for whites to give up their in-group preference? Your descendants and your relatives' descendants will live in a society which is increasingly less white due to immigration and differential birth rates. Everything you wrote in the first few paragraphs of your article can be flipped by swapping "white" and "black" or "brown". It's ironic that you recognize that racism, group biases, snap judgments, prejudice, et cetera are evolutionarily programmed into us, and yet later in the article you write: "Less than 60 years ago, humans were so evolutionary handicapped that they truly believed people with different colored skin should live separately." Maybe, with human nature being what it is, we really should live separately. (There is research out there discussing the amounts of altruism, happiness, et cetera in homogeneous versus heterogeneous societies, and the results are anti-diversity.) People from warring European races easily formed a "melting pot" in America because they are visually indistinguishable after a generation.

/r/evopsych Thread Link - thewritethroughlife.com