How can you make conversations last with a girl you like?

as a waman I am here to (somewhat) help.

basically girls don’t like guys who reply with little to no thought. for example: idk, kk, lol, wyd. replies like these just tell girls that you’re not interested so they start to overthink.

it’s also good to throw in a few jokes and nick names. by doing so, the girl will feel valued and think you enjoy talking to her. start off with a few simple nicknames like “nerd” for example (its cheesy but effective).

and lastly, just ask questions. really take the time to know the person and show interest in what they’re interested in. this way, you’ll be able to form a bond that can eventually blossom into something bigger (if ya kno what I mean ;)

anyways, good luck to all the bois out there trying to snatch the girl of your dreams. you’ve got this!

/r/AskReddit Thread