Control only getting 2060c recently (horrible performance)

Meanwhile people saying they are getting 2070c 2080c on Pubg, division, destiny2 etc etc and some other crap games. And a RTX title we are stuck on 2060c for weeks? I am guessing we are getting Systems according to our GEOLOCATiON (not which server we use, our fkn WORLD LOCATION, you know Country...)? I never ever saw 2070c or 2080c on my last 100+ game sessions, other than only AC Odyssey... How come Pubg Destiny gets 2080c and we can't on a fkn RTX title? It is because of my location/country? There is no other explanation, i cant be so this unlucky. Even at 5AM on EU, it is the fkn same. So many stupid things going on and i am getting tired of this.

/r/GeForceNOW Thread