Say No to Rage had an excellent discussion in regards to sunsetting. The sandbox is stale needs a full rework from sunsetting to work in endgame and not fall flat on it's face.

I don't think he is biased towards bungie. I think he is biased towards himself and his personal preference and experience, and because he literally gets paid to play the game, his voice gets to automatically be louder than everyone else's aside from other streamers.

His complaints and positions and positive outlooks are for him and streamers, not for the common player. He literally sees no issue with Armor sunsetting. Thats enough to show me how out of touch he is. He used the fact that he already has 15 different god rolls of a gun as reason enough. Nevermind it took me hundreds of hours playing the game over months and months to get a single god roll of the same gun.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread Parent