Convince me to switch sides, Bernie to Trump.

I'm just scared that he's too honest and aggressive

There's no reason to be scared of someone who is honest and aggressive when they have you in mind when making the world a better and more functional place.


But aside from that, I think to truly understand Trump supporters, or right wingers in general, you should really study up on some economics. From my own experience in high school, the economics classes are shit. I went on to get a bachelor's degree in economics, and comparatively you learn nothing in high school. If you can understand economics, then you can understand people, and that's where a lot of disconnect comes from with things like being for or against free health care.

Read up on the pros and cons of socialism, and read up on the pros and cons of capitalism and the free-market. It's hard to do via internet because of bias and some people don't know what they are talking about. So keep that in mind. There will be people on both aisles claiming their ideology is superior, but I promise far more people believe in the free market. If you do good research you'll find that, while no ideology is perfect, socialism starts to break down in far more ways than capitalism, and it's almost inevitable that you reach a breaking point.


Maybe this is a weird analogy, but consider socialism to be sort of like playing Jenga. You need to remove pieces from the sturdy base in order to grow the tower. By doing this, the tower becomes inevitably weaker. Our only options are (a) stop building the tower (stagnate job growth, markets, employment, the country can't grow, ect) or (b) keep playing and cross your fingers the tower doesn't collapse when it's your turn. It's sort of silly to compare the US economy with Jenga, but it's so important to keep your base strong so that you can continue building the economy, growing, adapting to new changes, and allowing people to grow financially and have choices. A working capitalist model will keep prices low and give people so many choices at such low prices. In other words, you'll be doing "so much winning, you may get bored of winning."


So while free health care and free tuition sounds great, it's the fear of economic collapse that keeps most of us from voting for it. In the long run, we are all better off.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent