[COTD] Pickpocketing (8/29/2022)

Pickpocketing (2) is, if you are an evasion rogue, one of the most bonkers strong econ cards in the game, once you consider the package holistically and are running something like LCC+Pickpocketing (2) to turn one evasion action into 3-4 cards (half of them potentially tutored) and 2 resources. The main problem I have had with this card was convincing my team's Diana to stop killing enemies early scenario that were engaged with me.

It is amazingly strong, just be sure to have a good plan for consistently passing the tests by 2. Its not a nightmare if you fail once in a while (you just don't get one of the less valuable resources to you in that given moment) but its generally worth playing a skill or paying some resources every turn to get to the over-success threshold as still a massively profitable action.

/r/arkhamhorrorlcg Thread