Anna is just as guilty

My mum was raised in a cult similar to the Duggar’s. What people don’t realise is these cults prevent you from actually growing up, being mature, thinking rationally and relaying on yourself. They strip you of any personality or social awareness and it’s all focused on god and religion. You are basically just a pawn in gods game but your husband is king.

I am in no way sticking up for Anna, she should have left him after the first scandal imo. But you’re telling me this woman has even comprehended leaving pest? How? No education, no money, no family support, no knowledge of the outside world, questioning her faith. She has no personality apart from being a wife and mother, because of the cult she’s raised in and the brainwashing. It is extremely difficult to come to terms with realising your whole upbringing is bullshit, believe me I know.

To leave pest would be to question Jim Bob, Michelle, her parents, her upbringing, her religion, her lifestyle, her whole identity - she probably has questioned it but blamed sin and buried it deep down. But we don’t know and probably never will.

Anna did not molest any of her siblings. Anna did not pay money to cheat on her husband. Anna did not go out of her way to watch the most disgusting CSAM on the internet. She just married someone who she thought god has chosen for her, and blamed herself for some of his actions, even though the cult is to blame.

Anna probably has the mentality of a child, she is just doing what she’s being told to by her peers, like a child, because that’s what the cult demands of woman. In my opinion anyway.

/r/DuggarsSnark Thread