The Countries Receiving the Most Asylum Applications

No real answers here. Just empty phrases that have been discussed thousands of times.

Cant say I am surprised. No answers where to deport if they dont have documents. No answers how to deport when country of origin refuses. Of course you havent informed yourself so you will try to bring the bullshit of forcing them which in reality will only mean less cooperation and more refugees.

And then you talk about border checkpoints when your own country fails to "bordercheckpoint" a border 1/5th of ours.

I literally didn't expect much of a reply but wow. I did not expect you to just acknowledge that you are this clueless and really bringing talking points that have been shown false in 2015. Absolutely hilarious.

The fact that you talk about helping our own citizens even though ours live in paradise compared to the ghettos of the US which rampant crime and the most people in prison...I mean I have to assume you are trolling. First you admit you don't know any facts and then you accidentally mock your own country and completely undermine the point you are trying to argue. That has to be trolling.

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