Cover of this week's 'Der Spiegel'

This subreddit has nationalists and it has federalists, however as much as I myself am to blame in it the left/right stuff is rather too limited when comparing European nations to the United States.

We have nationalists to be sure, they are the ones who oppose migration the most, but I wouldn't call them rightwing in every nation, for whilst in a place like Hungary you might have such here in Denmark the nationalists are social-democratic nationalists, meaning that they want more power to the unions, protect pensions and are worried about education.

Civilization and Infrastructure to africa is a more nuanced debate than good or bad, Europeans did plenty bad things in Africa to be certain, but long before we arrived we traded with them and the Islamic Nations of the middle east traded with the africans for goods and in a large degree for slaves during the middle ages.

The ones taking those slaves were other africans and the initial trade was mostly smaller european settlements on the coast by the likes of Portugal in which the africans could come to sell their goods.

In infrastructure, infrastructure was most certainly built there, some of the only railroads in Congo available today are those Belgium had built before they left. Loads of problems in South Africa stem from the fact that they haven't actually built new infrastructure since the end of Apartheid and the old one is struggling to sustain the population.

Loads of Kongolese died under the Belgian kings oppression but it must be noted that his cruelty was cruel even for the time and he was forced to end this and later hand over Kongo to Belgium itself by other nations such as France and Britain on account of just how cruel he was, but its not as if the Kongolese were suddenly honky dory after they left or were all nice and flowery before they arrived.

Colonialism isn't or wasn't bad or good in the context of history, it just was. The spread of European technology to Africa brought with it higher life expectancy and technology with which they could get far more food, but with the more food the population grew to such an extent that they suddenly lacked for food again and the life expectancy plummeted in most places when the like of the socialist ZANU taking over and trying to kill all white people.

Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of the Brittish Colonies and the percentage of Africans allowed wealth and education in Rhodesia was likely far higher than the number of people there who own so much as a camel these days, its a hole in the ground, so no I wouldn't say we managed to spread European Civilization to them, they very much kept their own cultures intact.

Federalists are disliked in Denmark because the thought of a European Federation is that it'd actually come eventually with a federalized healthcare system which would be modeled after perhaps Germany or France or a mix of the two powerful nations, this would partially privatize a sector which here is fully nationalized so in your terms we'd believe the federation was just too right-wing ideologically for us right?

But no the nationalists fear a federation would just force migrant quotas on us and we'd have to take in lots of brown people, so that means the federation is too leftwing for us right?

No, federation is not too leftwing or rightwing for us it just is not for us. Danes don't believe (Myself not included) that a federated state of Europe would be in their interests.

I believe that the American Democrat party are probably.. Social-Liberals, which is a party which is the centrist party here. Economically they are far more liberal than even our liberal party and align more with the conservatives or libertarians, but socially they align more with a green party, having recently aligned themselves with the identity politics we've seen so much of in the media in the last several years, which is something so crazy the leftwing parties here apart from the COMMUNIST party wouldn't even consider doing such.

When I talked about Antifa spreading further into Europe I didn't so much mean spreading from the United States, it has a presence in both Scandinavia, Germany and Britain that is rather worrying and in Sweden specifically they've been committing property damage against churches, cars, houses and apartments, trying to quell free speech by fear and violence. Antifa even has a sizable presence in this city which recently had municipal elections in which the communists got the 3rd-most votes of all our political parties, the number of communists in a city and the size of Antifa really line up perfectly as they consider themselves marxists (Though Karl Marx would want NOTHING to do with them, lets be clear on that)

I personally am a Social Democrat (Think Bernie Sanders) who currently votes for the Liberals (Think Obama) because the Social Democrats betrayed our trust when they implemented a reform trying to americanize our education system back in 2014 when we were leagues ahead of the Americans in education and now we're moving towards more their level so, good job Social Democrats, you fucked us up.

My guess is the Danish Social Democrats went yolo because they already got everything they wanted here so at a loss for what to do they just started implementing Liberal policies, if I was to take a guess as to what could remotely cause them to do that I'd say its because the Liberals had successfully reduced the size of our nationalist movement by adopting the nationalists sceptical stance on migration, however the Social Democrats most certainly did not succeed in trying to pull liberals away from the Liberal party, they just scared the Social-Democrats to the Liberal and or Socialist/Communist/Social-Liberal parties.

How are Antifa viewed here? Well Communist is the furthest 'left' you get so to speak, but the communists here are the ones responsible for the most political violence and structural damage, they are viewed negatively as criminals and hooligans which is exactly what they are.

We don't have any -KKK- or whatever it is this alt right you demonize is, but if they find someone who once shared a Gamergate post 3 years ago they'll drag him into the streets and destroy his shit to quench the thirsts for crusading, they're struggling to find footing because try as they might they can't actually find any fascists to beat up which is a problem when you're the ANTIFA.

The reason Antifa is so dangerous is because they believe they're morally justified which puts them in the ranks of the Communist Party of Germany of the 30's and the, you guessed it, Nationalist Socialist Party of Germany in the 30's. The violence, hatred and destruction they bring is not justified because they are on the 'right side of history' but them believing such makes them far more dangerous than the Football Hooligans who know perfectly well that any damage they cause is not morally justified, they might not give a shit but they know its not.

Don't ally yourself with marxist-anarchist militiamovements, they bring destruction, violence and fear, Liberalism is the ideology of freedom and as the writing on the Berkely Wall said "Liberals get the Bullet Too" these are not good people, they're bad people.

Liberalism and the freedom it brings is what makes the west a desirable location for the world to admire, envy and wish to move to, liberalism is a desirable ideology, align yourself with the Liberals.

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