Holland still blocking Romania joining Schengen

Wait, so what's wrong with your country behavior in the colonialist period?

Also, stop attacking me. Ad hominem attacks indicate that you are not mature enough to carry a online conversation. So please take the shit back.

Please take a look here https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210601-how-the-dutch-are-facing-up-to-their-colonial-past It is not only things that happened hundreds of years ago: Indonesia became independent in 1949, and the colony of Dutch New Guinea was only freed in 1962. Some people commenting here may be old enough to remember it happening.

At the time when Holland was freeing their last colonies, Romania was a de facto Russian colony. So yes, we are bitter about it, and we resent a country with Holland's colonial past lecturing us about "corruption". Especially since the EU Parliament and all other Schengen countries except Holland acknowledge that this is just a political pretext for Holland to block us.

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - adevarul.ro