[CS496 SU'17] Assignment 3 (Boat/slip) Pity-rant

UPDATE: Finished the assignment late but turned it in to get at least a 7 if I ace it.

Overall time: ~ 20-24 hours Total Tests Written: 18 (coincidentally 18 requests as well)

Pro tips:

  • Some Requests in postman may take longer and not run in time for your next request causing test failures. Use the function by BrodyB in here to add a delay. Definitely lost time trying to fix my code when it was a race condition problem. Estimated time saved: 2 hours
  • Global variables go into the request body like this:

    { "assign_me": "{{variableName}}" }
    You do NOT need "global['']" or "global.variable" notation. Estimated time saved: 1 hour

  • Console.log() is your friend in the Postman Test section. You can view the devtools in Postman with "CTRL+SHIFT+I". I wrote "Step X" above each request so I knew where I was in the chain of requests. Estimated time saved: A bajillion

Hope this helps some students in the future.

/r/OSUOnlineCS Thread