How to best prep for CS 344 before taking it?

1) Finish all assignments 1 week in advance. Use the grading script 2) Fork and threading are same. Don't overthink on them. 3) for C, nail how heap and stack works. You need to heavily use pointers for a lot of assignments. If you can, grind the bash assignment the moment it opens. 4) for end sem, create a big pdf containing all the notes along with subtitles autogenerated from youtube. Though the exam is open book, you need to know where to search. The questions can be tricky 5) Ping people on slack who have already completed the assignment to identify your knowledge gap. We had people who were on a different league in the last two assignments and were chilling while the rest of the class was panicking 6) Memory leak does not lead to loss of marks. So, using valgrind is optional. 7) Read book if you can. 8) use starter code provided for networking assignment. Check first few videos of CS 436 distributed systems on YouTube to get some depth on topic. 9) Comment heavily when submitting codes. I lost 8 marks for not commenting generously in code and 10 marks for misreading 1 rubric. So, for the fork assignment, double check the rubric requirement for return values. 7) Use visual code on local machine. Install plugins for code formatting and use the watch feature in debugger.

I scored 194 on end sem and had 97.5 overall.

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