CSGO AMA ft Peca & Edward

As Edward said in one of his answers, the first thing is acknowledging the situation.

We are very transparent and honest with each other, and we always discuss and address any mistakes we make on the officials during the recap sessions.

We locked ourselves in our praccroom in Malta and had a long talk about what went wrong. It's important that everyone shares their point of view and expresses their honest feelings.

Once we all got on the same page, the focus instantly changed to what's next for us. We took a few days off after everyone arrived home from Malta, and the grind continued.

We all agreed on trusting the system and the core values during the introductory workshop when Edward and I joined the team in October. Some slipups are ok to happen, and not everything can always be going towards the plan, but there's no looking back. We trust the process and we fight further.

/r/G2eSports Thread Parent