Why G2 will never be successful without Perkz

Rekkles is good, and he had a really good worlds, better than Perkz I'd say. There's just a couple issues. He doesn't have the clutchness factor that Perkz has. He doesn't have the balls to the walls attitude.

If you get Rekkles adc, you'll have a robot, in the same way you'd have if you got Ruler. They view the game in a linear fashion. Most ADC's view the game like that because of the way the role is designed. Caps, Perkz, Rookie, Faker etc do not.

Rekkles had some insane stats and performance at worlds 2020, but there's one thing that's worth remembering. Rekkles played vs Jackeylove. I know people were saying Jackeylove was one of the best, Frosk and others said he would have to prove himself, and what would you think. Jackeylove was unironically one of the worst ADC's at the tournement. The dude got gapped by Wildturtle. Does that mean Rekkles is a god? This is kinda my point bro. Again, Rekkles gets overrated for no reason whatsoever.

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