Culture War Geneva Convention

So in "bake the cake" news, the state of Colorado has abandoned its proceedings against Masterpiece Cakeshop. According to the undoubtedly biased writeup by the Alliance Defending Freedom, when the Colorado Human Rights Commission teed up to take another swing at the baker some of their commissioners publicly stood by the same views the Supreme Court had declared in the previous case were evidence of their anti-religious bigotry. The pre-emptive lawsuit filed by the baker would have taken advantage of that, and so the commission gave up.

This is obviously good news for the baker (except for the bit where the sociopathic activist lawyer who drummed up the second case wasn't involved in the settlement and is still permitted to go ahead with suing him) but I'd argue it's bad news overall in that, thanks to the Supreme Court's dodge, there's no precedent being set on the larger issue over whether anti-discrimination law means someone can be forced to express a message that offends their religious sensibilities.

/r/TheMotte Thread