Culture War Roundup for the week of July 04, 2022

metaphorically, of course, unlike those other dark elves…

What a missed opportunity.

Not a missed opportunity in Russia, this is one of most popular webcomics on biggest Russian comic site

Whatever, if anything, it says about Russian culture, I leave to you ;-)

If it's allowed for Moldbug to bastardize Tolkien and speculate on dog fights (tearing the throat out? Jeez, are those pit bulls?)

Give me back young Moldbug.

I was promised shiny future of crawling in sewers of CyberMegaCityOne, hiding from CyberMegaCity Corporation killer robots while desperately trying to hack the cyber lock of my gun.

I do not want all this medieval feudal fantasy shit.

What have you done to young Moldbug, you bastards?

/r/TheMotte Thread Parent