Culture War Roundup for the Week of August 05, 2019

Your comment doesn't have any citations either. I do not need to scientifically prove obvious things.

"Famous historical event A occured prior to famous historical event B". Vs "Fringe Ideology A is more popular than fringe ideology B"

Which doesn't matter, as presently he seems to be looking up to Sweden and such.

Trump condemned "White Supremacy" on the 5th of August. Source. This renders by yoir reasoning any his aledged previous support moot.

If you consider such arguments good then so is the one where Trump (President!) admires Putin.

Obama famously mocked Romney for the latters hositility towatds Putins Russia. Hopefully Obamas lack of love for ideoglogy alledgely governing Russia isn't under dispute.Source

Trump says there are good guys among "white nationalists".

His statement was that there are "good people* on both sides. Same reasoning leads equally to claiming that Trump supports the organisation named after the Berlin Wall.

PS: Instant down-voting of person arguing with you is rude.

At the moment of you writing this, I haven't downboated you.

/r/TheMotte Thread Parent